Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Bus.....Part 2

There was this rope running parallel to the length of the bus. It was supposed to be connected to a bell, so that the conductor could tell the driver that there was a fare to be dropped at the point. But then, whats the fun of having thing its run its normal way? There was no bell for instance. The rope (I really love this…!), had umbrellas hanging all over it (it was not raining….I am serious….there was a bakery in the bus )….
I think that is enough of a take on a good bus, that takes people to meet some of the amazing places in India. The driver and all the people in the bus were all very interested what we were doing in Arunachal in the off-season. It was literary an “off season” All the food stores were off...

….Can I get to crack a GOOD JOKE??? ………………………“off season” = off {sea and sun}. the river that would have been a sea if it had rained, was off, I meant it was a stream. But then the sun, wasn’t going off…..we were baked in there…..if we had decided to write then and there, and we didn’t have a writing instrument, all we had to do was to, run a finger over our arm, and viola! There was charcoal!!!!!!!

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